The news this week warned of terrible subway trouble this weekend. All but 1 line would have some sort of disruption due to track work and repairs that had to be complete before winter sets in. As the alarm went off at 7a.m. I half dreaded getting up to make my way into the city-you never know what awaits you with our weekend subway service in general but this weekend who knew what to expect. You just knew it would be BAD.
Running to the platform I caught the train & got a seat. And got into the city in record time.
I spent the rest of the day printing Valentines. Yes, Valentines. On tissue paper , folded in fours so you can see through the transparent layers. Sounds cool, no? I barely had time to eat lunch as the late risers arrived & printshop got busy. I had shot a snow flake image for a holiday card I have been working on since summer but that will have to wait until Thursday.
The day here was unseasonably warm but a chill has set in and the wind accentuates the feeling that winter is not that far away.
So it seems appropriate to post this photo of a plinther in love with snow. You can see her hour here -enjoy the music she chose and get ready-winter is not far away and the first snowfall can't come soon enough...
Time for dinner...
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