Monday, December 21, 2009

Queens Crap: WTF is with the ASPCA?

Queens Crap: WTF is with the ASPCA?
Above is a link to a recent story about a dog named "Justice" who had been mistreated and shockingly, returned to the very people who mistreated him.(Story courtesy of "Queens Crap" the blog that covered the gassing of approximately 2,000 geese here in NYC just a few short months ago) 
 As with "Oreo" the dog the ASPCA seems to have dropped the ball again and it is just luck that someone knows the story and is publicizing it. If you love animals like I do you'll want to call the ASPCA and request they investigate this matter and , if warranted, rescue this dog so it can be properly  taken care of and placed in a loving home. 
I do think this story illustrates just how ineffective the ASPCA has become when it comes to protecting animals and perhaps that warrants it's own investigation. 
The ASPCA can be reached here: 1-212-876-7700

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Vote to help save dogs like Oreo

As I left for PA. a few weeks ago the story broke about Oreo the dog. She had been thrown off a building, survived and was kept at the ASPCA. Physically rehabilitated , she proved too much of a challenge for the ASPCA and they determined she should be put to death. I left for PA. hoping someone would step forward to help Oreo. "Pets Alive" did but the ASPCA chose to kill Oreo anyway. 
I happen to believe animals have the right to life and Pets Alive has the same view and mission. I have to wonder about the ASPCA though. Maybe they have lost touch with what their mission is all about. And maybe they have lost touch with what animals lovers everywhere believe in. 
Pets Alive is currently vying for a $20,000 grant. You can help by voting for them every day up until Dec. 20th. 
Go here to reach their blog page. The link to vote is on there. Feel free to vote for the shelter of your choice. Either way you will be helping deserving animals like Oreo who need someone to love and believe in them. 

Saturday, November 21, 2009

some fun

I spent last weekend in Lancaster PA. visiting with friend Grace, Nancy & New friend Ruthy. We did the PA. Guild of Craftsmen holiday craft fair on Saturday and a YWCA Women2Women all day workshop on sunny Sunday. One of the wonderful cooking workshop was taught by Betsey Gerstein Sterenfeld of "Essen" :the classroom smelled so glorious and the food did taste fantastic. Essen can be found here & here. The class made everything look easy and Betsey's energy for good food was inspiring and contagious. Who knew pickled onions could be so delicouis!
We also learned about Naturopathy, Home Scale Sustainability , Ayurveda , Shamanic Healing & Traditional Chinese Acupuncture. I am hoping we'll be able to make this a yearly get together...

Monday, November 9, 2009

FLW aka Frank Llyod Wright

I always had the idea that if I were lucky enough to live in a home designed by FLW every day would be wondrous ...
For my parents 50th anniversary we had to be creative. They did not want a big party. They are artists and we all have always loved the work of Frank Lloyd Wright. I had read an article in the New York Times that mentioned being able to stay in Polymath Park -in homes designed by Wright or his apprentices. What could be a better gift and memorable experience than this once in a life time chance to live in a FLW home and see the masterpiece : Falling Water ? We were able to book Balter House and made the long drive to PA. on Friday, very thankful the weather was on our side-chilly but no rain with a chance that things would warm up by Sunday. 
The house was set in the woods & we made it just in time to see the sunset through the trees. The house smelled like my grandmothers place in Cupsaw Lake N.J. and had lovely views , wood and stone everywhere and the cement floor in a worn version of FLW red. Dad lit a fire while Jean warmed up a chicken dinner and I made popcorn w/ garlic. I had forgotten to bring the marsh mellows to roast in the fireplace...but had remembered the sparkling wine. (Called Pearl-on the sweet side & this perfect for us as we are not big drinkers ) 
We had a leisurely breakfast the next morning and then made the drive to Falling Water through the rolling hills, past farms and fields (filled with big round bales of hay-some with corn stalks) and homes stocked with fire wood.
 Everything is very organized as enormous numbers visit this mecca of sorts. Our group of 13 was called and we wandered down to the house on the waterfall. As we were taken through everything but the kitchen it did feel as if the Kaufman family might enter at any time. There was wonderful art & flowers growing in the windows and rhododendrons everywhere. Made one think spring might be THE time to see it all in bloom. 
The guest house was equally amazing  & it did make me wish we all lived in such light filled and naturally  inspired spaces. 
The next day-our last-we woke at dawn to make the first tour of the day at Kentuck Knob. I had known nothing of Kentuck Knob so it was a revalation. Originally owned by Mr. & Mrs. Hain, Kentuck Knob has now passed into the hands of Lord & Lady  Palumbo. More on Kentuck Knob tomorrow.
If you are curious about staying in one of the Polymath Park homes (or dining there) you can go here. Information on Falling Water can be found here. Kentuck Knob information is found here. The Western PA. Conservancy's  site is here.
General tourist information on the area can be found here

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

One & Other / Ben2frog

One & Other is coming to an end very soon-Wed. actually. Last night there was a magical hour by artist Ben2frog. Every aspect of the hour seemed flawless & inevitable. The frog mask. The wheel barrow. The music. The bubbles. The yoga. The dancing in the crowd. The photography. (cinematography maybe more like it perhaps?) I especially loved that I caught it live but I did watch it again after the fact just to catch little things that I might have missed the first time around ...(I had been ironing and making some signs for Captain John as the hour unfolded live so I did miss some things) There is an interesting quote at the beginning of the hour too. Very timely. 
If you are new to One & Other and are not sure what to watch I would strongly recommend putting this one in your top ten. Very magical indeed. See it here

Sunday, October 11, 2009

single, kite flying roofer alert...& more serious things...

Had a very sporadic Sunday. In between all sorts of chores I have caught today's plinthers here and there. 
Note to self: watching in this way can be very disconcerting. One minute someone is in an orange jumpsuit & the next time I turn to watch that same person has transformed into a shiny, black, skin tight ...well, tune in here to see more of that. 
Right now a rather lovely young man is flying kites amidst Tibetan prayer flags. He describes himself as a roofer, single...and in the "stranger things have happened" category  -perhaps single women might want to go here and enjoy his hour & send him some fan mail. (Yes, I am a sucker for kites & prayer flags. )
update:sounds like he comes from a wonderful and interesting family too. Sounds like a catch to me  girls.
On a more serious note: later in the evening a woman spent her hour in support of organ donation. I  have carried around an donor card for many years now & would encourage others to do the same. I believe life is about both giving & receiving . I think the need to be a donor crystallizes if you take it personally: what if someone you  loved  needed a transplant -wouldn't you hope that the generosity of some compassionate stranger would be there for you in your hour of need? That is why I carry a donor card. Call it Karma if you like. You can see her hour here if you need more convincing on this issue. 

Saturday, October 10, 2009

So tired-in a very good way!

The news this week warned of terrible subway trouble this weekend. All but 1 line would have some sort of disruption due to track work and repairs that had to be complete before winter sets in. As the alarm went off at 7a.m. I half dreaded getting up to make my way into the city-you never know what awaits you with our weekend subway service in general but this weekend who knew what to expect. You just knew it would be BAD.
Running to the platform I caught the train & got a seat. And got into the city in record time.
I spent the rest of the day printing Valentines. Yes, Valentines. On tissue paper , folded in fours so you can see through the transparent layers. Sounds cool, no? I barely had time to eat lunch as the late risers arrived & printshop got busy. I had shot a snow flake image for a holiday card I have been working on since summer but that will have to wait until Thursday.
The day here was unseasonably warm but a chill has set in and the wind accentuates the feeling that winter is not that far away.
So it seems appropriate to post this photo of a plinther in love with snow. You can see her hour here -enjoy the music she chose and get ready-winter is not far away and the first snowfall can't come soon enough...
Time for dinner...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

NEW semester / New Year's resolution

Life has been so hectic of late! No time to post, take stock and record . No time to even check in on Anthony Gormley's one & other which ends very soon...
The fall semester has begun and that means new projects and the usual race to complete old prints. I am trying to focus on as little new art as possible so that I can actually wrap up work on the things that already exist in my rush to fulfill that Jan. 1, 2009 New Year's resolution to open my very own Etsy shop of handmade cards, envelopes, writing and craft paper and cut paper artwork. Not to make too fine a point of it but I have exactly 89 days left to get this resolution from dream into reality. How exciting is that?!? Stay tuned as this unfolds and goes right down to the wire-just like all good stories do!
Photos to come!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


As I sanded and plastered and primed and painted the hellishly hot bathroom tonight I heard some pretty eclectic music coming from my computer. Stopping to come in and check what the heck was going on on the plinth I saw Mike W doing some amazing moves. For an hour. (you might think this easy but last night, the guy who was gonna try skipping rope for his hour gave up in no time-he had one great T-shirt though . )
As I watched Mike move and smile and manage not to fall off , it became clear to me HE was the king of the plinth. And then it happened. "Singing In The Rain" came on & Mike picked up the big white umbrella and did a wonderful Gene Kelly impression-on the plinth no less.
If you are having a down day and need an instant hour of pick me up or if you are alone and feel like dancing-go here and grove to Mike . I so wish I was there to see it in person and I so wish I could be a part of this eclectic art happening going on in Trafalgar Square. Rain or shine. Day or night. 24 / 7- for 29 more glorious days and nights.
Photos to follow...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Suggested viewing:

For those of you into plinthers, here are a few you might want to watch. I am going by my taste which can be best described as folks with a passion, on a mission or with a strong personal vision. Artists.
Here are a few to check out:
1. Man on a mission(and great music too)
2. Woman with a mission
3. Man with creativity & energy to spare
4. Artist who sews (check out her machine!)
5. Some interesting art making
6. A man with a lot of balls-all for a good cause(and a pretty good sense of humor too)
7. A man who clearly loves books & reading
8. A former New Yorker who loves to carry a tune-had me singing the next day!
9. Likes sharp objects to walk on for fun (What do you think? Is it real, or not?Crunch, crunch.) Got to love the hair.
10. Stunning sounds

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A "new" kind of performance art

Last summer I ran down to the Brooklyn Bridge to participate in an art happening (of sorts). A "time machine" had been set up between London & N.Y.C. and folks could go before the camera & send a message or do whatever they wanted to do. I made some signs that conveyed those favorite feelings of mine:Peace & Love.
Right now there is a similar piece going on in London called "One & Other". I have been lazy about checking it out-it "runs" from July 6th -October 4th & it is on 24/7. Seemingly the premise is folks get hourly shifts, during which time they can do anything they want. Since I only got around to checking it out last night I have not seen much but it does look like fun and if I were "there" I would have applied for one of the slots. Watching last night, as I sorted through emails, I did find myself pondering what I would do, if it were me up there .
You can go here to check it out and see what you think . Mainly, let it inspire you to come up with ideas for what you might do, if it were YOU! I sometimes find that merely viewing art (especially of this type) can easily allow one to become automatically judgemental about whatever happens to be going on at the time. Perhaps that reaction could be circumvented by asking yourself what you would do...

Monday, August 24, 2009

(Wo)man's best friend

We had a small family gathering Sunday & Maggie was the star of the entire day. (when not coma deep in sleep from all the attention & activity she got from all of us!)
While Maggie is work ( ask her family!) she is also tons of fun & love and it really does bring home the reason why folks love their pets so much.
If YOU are looking to "Do Something New" I encourage you to think about adopting an animal from your local shelter. If you are not ready to take the plunge, start with a small step first : volunteer at a shelter or try foster care. But be forewarned : stepping foot in a shelter can often lead to setting eyes upon some lovely furry friends & that just might provide an unexpected tipping point to adopting, weather you thought you were ready or not for this wonderful adventure.
(Maggie is seen here sleeping with her "kitty" on a fake leopard bean bag. How good does this dog have it? Pretty darn good, I'd say!)
P.S. If you love animals like we do HERE is the petition regarding Michael Vick-see below post for more details.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Do this for all the right reasons:

I am an animals lover. In Istanbul, some of my strongest memories are of the dogs, cats & birds I encountered there. In Paris it was likewise : birds of all different kinds seemed to be everywhere we went. Printing out photos of our trip this past Sunday I was pleasantly surprised to see the many images of the animals we encountered on both cities.
I was given my love of animals by my parents and it is something I am very thankful for as it brings daily joy to my life.
A petition was sent to me this weekend regarding the signing of Michael Vick to the Eagles. Mr. Vick also made an appearance on the television show "60 Minutes" this Sunday in an effort to repackage himself . Mr. Vick , until recently , thought dog fighting was what grown men did in their spare time . Seemingly, he now wants America to believe he is really, really sorry and has found God and is ready to be a role model and leader for all that is good.
Lots of people do this public song and dance and some are indeed sincere. Mr. Vick strikes me as someone who is just going through the motions and reading the prescribed script, written by paid PR people (who were actually pictured on the 60 Minutes interview...).
I personally believe Mr. Vick made some serious mistakes & I think those mistakes are being compounded by the N.F.L.'s decision to reinstate him so quickly and the Eagles decision to sign Mr. Vick to their team.
I say all of this , not just as an animal lover but as someone who knows right from wrong and who does not believe one's relationship with GOD should have a connection to one's P.R. and legal team strategy to revive a career. If you are glad Mr. Vick was NOT signed by your home team, you can go here (petition) to tell the Eagles they can keep Mr. Vick for as long as they like. (I do want to warm folks that there is a rather graphic photos of one of the dogs Mr. Vick mistreated on the petition sight & I did find it haunting & heartbreaking to see.)

Friday, August 7, 2009


I could not resist! I love the fish gadget! So cool to have fish on my blog ! 

Friday, July 31, 2009

want to help?

I realize it has been awhile since I have mentioned this but going through my photos of Paris jogged my memory: the wild geese of NYC need your help (see my older posts to find out more on why)and there is a petition set up to voice opinion & support. You can find it here & my beautiful feathered friend from the fountain at Versailles has graciously allowed me to use her image to encourage you to help her fellow water fowl here in the States.
We all thank you, very much. In other words: "Merci beaucoup" . 

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

This past weekend:

Stopped by Socrates Sculpture Garden in L.I.C. for their "Maker's Market" , a lovely gathering  of artist and their wares. Best part was the garden's own art : I love the work of Louise Nevelson and this huge sculpture reminded me of her work , with a twist! While walking along the shore I spotted a lone bird floating by - if you have not yet signed the petition to save N.Y.C.'s geese , you can still find it here. I would love to see it reach 3,000 signatures by this 4th of July weekend! 

Last weekend:

We returned to Governor's Island for "Figment" an art happening of sorts. Here are a few of the best pieces that were to be found scattered around the island that weekend. 
The first was a sculpture that made wonderful music and as we got near to it we noticed someone inside of the sculpture, playing their violin along with the music that was being generated by the sculpture. The second piece was created out of recycled plastic bottles of all types and they took on a jewel like quality as they hung from the tree branches. I liked both pieces as each had a magical quality about it. 

Sunday, June 21, 2009


I love listening to NPR (National Public Radio). Perhaps because it reminds me of a simpler time when folks did listen to their radios and music filled the air. 
WNYC/ FM  -  here in N.Y. is the station I usually go to . After listening for many years, (started back in college when my first love turned me on to New Sounds with John Schaefer -good to listen  to as you pulled an all nighter working on some project!) I can now go to their web site and see the faces behind the voices that have been bringing me music and news all these years. More than a little weird as radio does allow one to conjure up images in one's own mind and those images do not always jive with reality. Anyway, WNYC has a few blogs & I have begun  adding my 2 cents now & again. Read about my dad and others HERE but don't tell my dad about it. It is a little sentimental. Happy Father's Day to all out there. And, Yes, my dad did sign the petition to save the geese. (thanks da!) If you want to join him, go HERE & thanks! 

Friday, June 19, 2009

Geese Peace

Thank you to all who have signed the petition regarding the killing of geese here in NYC. More names and sentiments would be greatly appreciated. Go here to add your name and help the cause. 
If you want to read about a thoughtful and wise solution to this situation, go here. Geese Peace. Makes sense to me!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

senseless killing of geese in N.Y.C. this week

A few days ago the city announced a plan to catch and kill 2,000 geese here in N.Y.C. as part of a plan to rid the area of geese. The idea is, no geese, no airplane bird strikes. Several organizations have protested  this plan, saying it does not protect against bird strikes (see here) and a petition had been set up (see here). I would very much like to think "we" are smart enough to come up with solutions that do not included killing animals and wasting money but it seems "we" have yet to learn from history. I am a life long New Yorker and visitor to Flushing Meadows (I call it the Central Park of Queens) and it is one of those rare places where you can interact and observe animals-these geese and ducks and swans that reside there and enhance life for all who visit. So I'll be voting , in our next mayoral election, to replace our current mayor with someone who I hope will be more thoughtful about decisions such as these. In the meantime, I urge anyone who reads this blog to sign the petition and send it along to others to sign. I am one of those who believes you CAN fight city hall (as they say) and I also believe we each can make a difference. I also believe in Karma so politically, personally and spiritually , killing is not a part of my vocabulary . 

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Spent a lovely , sunny day at The N.Y. Botanical Gardens. The rose garden is brimming with color (and the buzz of hard working bees) but the highlight was all of the birds hard at work on their nests in building nooks. If you love color like I do there is no better place than a garden!  

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Parrots in Green-Wood Cemetery

Some scenes from the wild  parrots safari today. They spend much of their day "weaving" branches into their nests and their bright  green color matches perfectly with the leaves of trees which makes for amazing camouflage this time of year. 
One spot where they can be found is  in  Green-Wood Cemetery where they have nested in the front gate which is currently shrouded in green & being worked upon. Perhaps because I am an artist -and because of the green color, the gates looked like some sort of art sculpture .Read more about the parrots & the cemetery here

Friday, June 5, 2009

Wild parrot safari in NYC tomorrow !

Speaking of something NEW : I am thrilled to be back at work printing  silkscreens  as the summer semester began this week. 
This weekend I am going on my first " wild parrot safari" in Brooklyn. Almost all of my life there have been sightings  of  these incredible birds in Queens. Rumor had it they came from a crate, broken open at JFK or LaGuardia airport and somehow these tropical birds  adapted , survived & even learned to thrive in "strange"  NYC . By accident, I found this blog and learned that someone actually gives tours of the birds in their habitat. (See here

P.S. This coming Tuesday is Museum Mile here in N.Y.C.-check it out HERE. It is well worth going to as traffic is shut down on that stretch of 5th Avenue and to be able to walk in the middle of the street is rather magical. My fingers are crossed, weather wise. 

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Big boat, little boat

Governor's Island opened this weekend. A lovely ferry boat ride from NYC, you never know what you will see floating around the island. I spotted several boats-all dwarfed by the huge Queen Mary that looked ready to sail out. The island itself is currently a work in progress and it should be interesting to see it evolve. I love sense of history , the idea that you can walk around the entire island fairly quickly,rent a bike (or get one free -for an hour on Fridays) and best of all-the ferry ride is free. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sewing something new

I hauled out my sewing machine last night...and it worked! I have been thinking about sewing fabric onto paper for some time now. Like all NEW THINGS the first few experiments can be pretty hideous but then you take what you learn from your mistakes & eventually something decent is created .  But those first few awful false starts can be rough to face without strong faith that things will improve with each step forward. (In this way, the art making process can be a lot like life itself...)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Signs of summer

I visited Coney Island late today  & I have to say it looks a lot like the Coney Island of 2008. I made a point of being there on closing day (9/7/2008) last year since much had been made of the coming changes and  words like "Disney" were used to imply a  theme park like future was in store  come summer  2009. While change may still be coming , right now Deno's Wonder Wheel & "The Freak" along with many of the other familiar sights & sounds are still very much alive & well. 

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Erie Basin Park,Bklyn N.Y.C.

Went somewhere new tonight: Erie Basin Park in Brooklyn. It is a very interesting , mixed use site. Thoughtfully  designed with wonderful mix of natural & metal materials & well done  displays that give a sense of history about the historic  ship building space & amazing views , especially at sun set. 
The park flows along the waterfront and is behind a new IKEA. Perhaps that is why some of the design elements feel so well suited to the setting?
I liked best they way the park blended nature with it's waterfront industrial setting, giving you the best of both worlds and a real appreciation for each element. I am really interested to see the park as the seasons change it-imagine snow on everything pictured here! I also liked how the park used "art" in a way that made you think. 
One odd note:what little  remains of the  wooden piers is actually lose and waivers back and forth as the water moves like reeds in wind  . 

Monday, May 18, 2009

Green collar jobs?

Speaking of trying something new : I signed up for a one night class in "green collar jobs" at a local college. Should be very interesting and  I am hoping it will give me some new ideas!
As I was exiting the campus I spotted this amazing sunset & began taking pictures. Soon, everyone who passed by had hauled out their cell phones & was taking photos too. I had to wonder : If I had not stopped to capture the beauty of the moment-would everyone else have just passed it by, unaware? (In the left hand side of the photo you can see part of the world's fair buildings.) I wandered around a bit and spotted some cool art and a very nice architectural detail. Nice. 

Friday, May 1, 2009

Laundry on the line to dry...

The spring semester has come to an end just as I begin a new series of cards. I am rarely completely certain were a piece of art is going and these are no exception. Last night, they took quiet a turn for the unexpected and hang, drying on the line of holidays lights. What's next, I wonder? 
I also came very close to completing one of my "mandala" prints & seeing them displayed like this reminds me of the tile work I spotted a few weeks ago while visiting Atlantic City. I am, maybe, one or two colors away from DONE ! How exciting ! 

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Went to the theatre Friday night after a long week of work (that was grueling in many ways) to see the nephew in Neil Labute's "The Shape Of Things" . If you are in NYC this weekend there are 2 final performances Sunday. We really only go to see live theatre when Bryan is performing and I always notice an odd disconnect - it it LIVE-something very different from the usual drama watched in T.V. or in movies. To have something play out before your very eyes in real time is an unusual experience. Bravo to Bryan & the cast!